2:1 THE EVOLUTION OF THE TEACHINGS OF THE GNOSTIC-ILLUMINATI The teachings of the Gnostic-Illuminati, i.e., the Akousmatikoi, have varied somewhat over the centuries. In the time of Pythagoras the vast majority of people were uneducated and solid scientific knowledge of the world was extremely limited. Most people's understanding of the world was extremely unsophisticated by modern standards. The early teachings of the Akousmatikoi reflected this lack of sophisticated understanding, and would thus be considered largely unsophisticated and unconvincing today, although they served their purpose quite well in their own time. Among the teachings of the Pythagorean Akousmatikoi were: Everything is related to Mathematics. (This is fundamentally true, although misapplied by the Akousmatikoi.) Numbers are the fundamental reality. Souls are immortal and inhabit mortal physical bodies, and transmigrate to another physical body after the death of its current body. The divine nature of Pythagoras himself. The Tetractys, a mystical interpretation of the numbers one through ten and, in particular, of a shape consisting of ten dots arranged in a triangular pattern (much like the pins in bowling). Various other teachings which derived from and/or contributed to the development of hermeticism, alchemy, and gnosticism
As history progressed, so did the teachings of the Akousmatikoi. The spread of Christianity, and the subsequent rise in the political power of the Catholic Church, created an environment where ideas which were openly opposed to Christianity would be resisted (at minimum) and could lead to persecution, torture, or even death. In this environment, the Illuminati began to spread eumystical teachings which incorporated Christian beliefs and values on the surface, but which were designed to ultimately lead naturally non-mystical individuals away from Christianity (and all other forms of mysticism) altogether. Hence, in such an environment, the Akousmatikoi were taught Christian-oriented gnosticism, rather than the original teachings of the Pythagorean Akousmatikoi; these have proven quite powerful, when dealing with Christians of course, at combating harmful Christian mysticisms. By linking a eumystical belief to pre-existing beliefs (mystical or otherwise) the new eumystical belief takes on added credibility, i.e., it seems to have more evidential weight. It should also be obvious that what has been said of “Christian gnosticism” is equally true of “Christian alchemy,” “Christian hermeticism,” and so on; furthermore, this is not limited to Christianity – this applies equally well to mysticisms found withing Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and many other religions, and also to other mystical belief systems such as astrology, the occult, and so on. We now live in a world where science has proven itself as a reliable means for gaining an ever-increasing understanding of reality. Even those who do not understand science itself cannot deny the power of applied science, i.e., technology, in terms of the unprecedented and ever-increasing technological advances of the last few centuries – technological advances which were made possible only because of humanity's ever increasing scientific knowledge. This increase in scientific knowledge has occurred in parallel with an increase in the general educational level of humanity, and also a decrease in the general level of mysticism of humanity. The general effect of a religious or mystical orientation, in either an individual or in a society, is a decrease in scientific understanding and interest. After all, if the ultimate answer to the “how” or “why” of every question is believed to be “God” or some other mystical force, then questioning the “how” or “why” of natural phenomena becomes rather pointless and uninteresting. On the other hand, the lack of recourse to some ultimate mystical answer for every phenomena leads to greater curiosity, and therefore to a deeper and more complete knowledge and understanding of reality. It is natural, then, for an increase in scientific knowledge (and reality-based education in general) to be associated with a decrease in mysticism, and vice versa. This does not mean, however, that the general increase in reality-based education and knowledge is actually some sort of perfect, infallible “cure” for the inherently mystical nature of most humans. It does help mitigate their mystical nature, but cannot be relied upon to remove it entirely. Mysticism is founded, to a large degree, upon mental laziness; eliminating such laziness in others can sometimes be a nearly (if not completely) impossible task. “You can lead a person to knowledge, but you can't make him (or her) think.” In order to accommodate both the general increase and availability of scientific, reality-based knowledge and the persistent mystical nature of most individuals, the teachings of the Gnostic-Illuminati must be much more sophisticated, sublime and complex than in any previous time in history. It must acknowledge and embrace (at least to some degree) the value of science, while still feeding the mystic's need for a supposedly “higher” or more “pure” level of reality and mystical or “spiritual” entities such as souls or gods. The much greater level of religious freedom available throughout so much of the world, and also the anonymity afforded by the Internet, has enabled the Gnostic-Illuminati to openly declare the invalidity of existing religions, while also spreading its own eumystical teachings. To gain a “hook” into those with a religious bent, it uses its eumysticisms to ostensibly “explain” and “correct” the “errors” of various established religious beliefs. Mystics often have confusion and misunderstanding regarding scientific concepts. Thus it has proven effective for the Gnostic-Illuminati to alternate between the recognition of the power and success of science, on the one hand, and the disparagement of the underlying philosophy and methodology of science on the other. This emotionally resonates with the mystic, who cannot avoid seeing the obvious benefits which scientific understanding has brought to humanity, while also feeling alienated from science and its “rigidly” rational, reality-based approach. The Gnostic-Illuminati often claims that science cannot deal with certain aspects of mathematical reality such as zero, infinity, irrational, or imaginary numbers; this is obviously false, as mathematical physicists are certainly quite comfortable with numbers of all sorts. Furthermore, the Gnostic-Illuminati often promotes the idea that mathematics somehow proves such things as the existence and immortality of the soul, and the soul's progress over time from an essentially unconscious entity to a godlike entity. They often also claim that God is none other than a soul which has already attained god-like perfection and power, and that such perfection and power is ultimately attainable by all souls. |